José Carlos Bermejo Barrera e-mail(Login required)

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José Carlos Bermejo Barrera e-mail(Login required)


This article analyzes the concept of "theorical history" as a reply to the supposed historiographical crisis at the end of century. History, from XIXth century, had been one of the props ot Nation-State. When this one is delibitated, after Second World War, History also loses credibility in front of others Social Sciences. Theorical History -that isn't a historiographical school- doesn't give solutions to the crisis, but it poses problems -her work is the criticism to the historical knowledge- that can help to find new ways. Theorical History wont't never be an ideology, but it has an ethical component, the Human Rights, with universal vadility. Theorical History also serves for History, that it isn't a science, finds her own identity, different to the Social Sciences.


Theorical History, Crisis of History, History-Social Sciences


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