Elena Pariotti e-mail(Inicie sesión)

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Elena Pariotti e-mail(Inicie sesión)


The paper aims to support a view of human rights as essentially characterized by a basic content and in this sense focuses on the notion of basic rights. The key features associated with the notion of human rights – moral embedding and universality – should lead to regard human rights as essentially basic rights. The analysis will (i) argue for a notion of ‘basicness’ that is different from the notion occurring both within the so-called minimalist theories and the one worked out by Henry Shue; (ii) address the link between the idea of basic rights and the doctrine of the minimum core/content and (iii) criticize a deviation from the desirable path, which lies in shifting from the notion of minimum core of rights to the notion of core rights.

Palabras clave

theories of human rights, universality of human rights, justification of human rights, international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, minimum content, core labour standards


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