Francisco Puy e-mail(Login required)

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Francisco Puy e-mail(Login required)



The right to life is the right which every human person has to conserve his physical integrity with regard to health, in order that he may achieve, in the fullest manner possible, his existential destiny. This is an evident truth which is guaranteed by the existence of pro-life behavior such as legitimate defense or medicine. However, since there exist at the same time anti-life conducts which attack life -from bodily injury to homicide- it becomes necessary to establish this right upon a firm foundation. The foundation of the right to life rests upon three pillars: 1) The Theological foundation: in the will of God; 2) The Ontological foundation: in the human tendency toward survival; 3) The Ethical foundation: in the dictates of conscience. From this affirmation comes the moral condemnation of anti-life behavior and the corresponding formulation as crimes of such actions as homicide, abortion, suicide and euthanasia. But equally from this comes the positive valuation of justifiable behavior such as legitimate defense, surgical operations, etc. In summary, man has a right to live which is encompassed by two extremes: the acceptance of the life received from God and the acceptance of death -also received from God- for God is the Lord of life and of death.


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Articles: Human Life