Josep-Juan Moreso e-mail(Login required)

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Josep-Juan Moreso e-mail(Login required)


As a comment on Francesco Viola’s work about the future of Law and his insistence in the necessity of legal adjudication takes into account the circumstances of the particular case, I shall intend to show the reasons that led to a view of rules as general and abstract norms, almost algorithmically applicable to individual cases. After I shall refer to the well-known crisis that this idea generated and the introduction of the principles in the law’s image. Arguing, as conclusion, that this image of Law as a two storey building (with two floors one for rules, another for principles is not adequate and it should be substituted with the image of a single storey building (with only the ground floor), in where rules and defeaters live together, defeaters being something like gargoyles<7i>, that can modify, alter and make more accurate the rules through allowing the use of moral considerations and moral argument.


rules, principles, legal adjudication, defeaters


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Articles: The Future of Law