Juan Bassegoda Nonell e-mail(Login required)

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Juan Bassegoda Nonell e-mail(Login required)


Four months after the Codex of Liébena was stolen from the Dioceses Museum of Seu d'Urgell on September 29th, 1996, the Director of the Guardia Civil delivered this marvelous miniature work to the bishop Monsignor Juan Martí Alanis in the romantic setting of the cathedral on February 14th, 1997. The speedy recuperation by the Guardia Civil of this prized work of the cathedral archives spoke well of the efficiency of this cops. Once this valuable manuscript was recuperated, it was publicly exhibited in the palace of the Generalidad de Cataluña on the day of St. George, Wednesday, April 23rd, 1997, giving the Barcelona populace a chance to admire this precious work and to celebrate its recuperation.


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