Anna Martínez e-mail(Login required) , Fabiola Meignen e-mail(Login required)

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Anna Martínez e-mail(Login required)
Fabiola Meignen e-mail(Login required)


In the book L’elemento verde e l’abitazione, Luigi Figini compiles his life’s experience in the garden-terraces of his Milan home. The house was constructed in 1935 and the book was published in 1950. Fifteen years in which the architect, among the different solutions to introduce green near the dwelling of man, collects and systematizes the terrace-garden. As a conquest of the modern architecture, it will provide to the urban living, the forgotten benefit of contact with the mother-earth: the green, the sky and the water. In these years, terraces became pleasant gardens, and for the architect and his wife were the background of their poetic activity. In his house, Figini reconstructs the lost Paradise. It is the childhood of man, and the infancy of times, rediscovered.


Luigi Figini, Terrace-Garden, Green Element, Architect’s House


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SAVI, Vittorio, Figini e Pollini. Architetture 1927-1989, Ed. Electa, Milán, 1990.

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