Ana-Isabel Santolaria e-mail(Login required) , Jaime Ramos e-mail(Login required)

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Ana-Isabel Santolaria e-mail(Login required)
Jaime Ramos e-mail(Login required)


IT The Museum of Innocence is a novel and a museum created by Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk that tells the story of two young lovers in Istanbul through the objects of everyday life. The Museum of Innocence project is a collection of objects arranged in the form of a novel and displayed in a museum, calling attention to the importance of the narrative both in the building of the collection and in endowing the museum with spatial form.
It is a tale of passion, told through the objects that trigger the characters’ memories in different places in the city. For this reason, it is also the story of a time and a city. In particular, it is a reflection on the importance of our houses, of the people who live in them, their objects and their stories, and how they can be turned into museums.


Museum, Collection, Object, House, Narrative


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