L. Gonzalo-Sanz e-mail(Login required)

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L. Gonzalo-Sanz e-mail(Login required)


The infundibulum of sixty seven male guinea-pigs was destroyed by electrocoagulation according to an stereotaxic method previously described by the Author. Two months thereafter, the animals were killed and the localization of the provoked lesion was investigated by means of serial sections of the diencephalon. The functional picture of both the suprarenal glands and testes was evaluated on a morphological and histochemical basis. Special attention was given to the nuclear volume variations, of the cells of the outer and inner fasciculata of the adrenals and of the Leydig cells of the testis. The diameter of the seminiferous tubules was also measured. All these data were compared with from five male guinea-pigs of the same age mantained in similar conditions, which served as a control group. The microscopic study of serial sections from the diencephalon in all animals allowed to dismiss those in which a partial destruction of the infundibulum was found and those showing a lesion in sorne diencephalic area other than the infundibulum itself. In only five cases, from a total of sixty seven guinea-pigs, were such conditions wholly accomplished. In no case a revascularization of the hypothalamus-hypophyseal junction was observed.
The comparison of these data reveals very little variations between both groups. The conclusion is reached that, in the animals not submitted to a stressing action, the hypothalamus-hypophyseal desconnection, both neural and vascular does not incite an appreciable change in the function of both the adrenal cortex and testis.
The discordant findings published by other Authors are probably atribuable to the lesion of sorne neighbouring area in the median eminence which function as hypothalamic adrenocorticotropic and gonadotropic centers.


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Article Details

Investigación Experimental
Author Biography

L. Gonzalo-Sanz, C. S. I. C..