José M Giménez-Amaya e-mail(Login required) , José Ignacio Murillo e-mail(Login required)

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José M Giménez-Amaya e-mail(Login required)
José Ignacio Murillo e-mail(Login required)


Developments in neuroscience over the last few decades have made it increasingly evident that an interdisciplinary approach is essential if we are to take on the main challenges facing us. Among these are some that affect essential aspects of the understanding of the human being. In this article the view is defended that, in order to approach these issues effectively, what is needed is to broaden the cooperation between the sciences beyond the ambit of the experimental disciplines. To illustrate this thesis, after an introduction about the importance of Neuroscience in our days, the article discusses some of the more relevant aspects for the understanding of the role that is played by the brain in human life and conduct: the problem of consciousness. The explanation is structured as follows: first, the framework within which this problem is situated is set out, and then a summary is provided of the way in which the problem has been tackled in Neuroscience and Philosophy. Finally, some suggestions are made as to how to develop fruitful interdisciplinary study that permits each one of the disciplines involved to make appropriate contributions.


Neuroscience, Mind, Brain, Consciousness, Interdisciplinarity


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Razón, Ciencia y Fe

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