Marie-Dominique Goutierre e-mail(Login required)

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Marie-Dominique Goutierre e-mail(Login required)


In modern thought the exact sciences and mathematics have come to displace philosophy as the place of true knowledge. If theology does not want to remain as a fideism, it needs a firm philosophy, like that which is offered by St Thomas Aquinas. To rediscover St Thomas Aquinas is to understand the «end» as a «causa causarum», as a «cause of causes». This it what St Thomas discovered in Aristotle and what was forgotten in posterior scholastics, which understands this notion only in a metaphorical sense. This article examines how these principals illuminate different parts of the Summa Theologica that Saint Thomas Aquinas dedicates to God, One and Trine, and to our knowledge of God, to creation, to grace, and so on.


Finality, Relationship Between Philosophy and Theology, St Thomas.


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