Antonio García-Moreno e-mail(Login required)

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Antonio García-Moreno e-mail(Login required)


Firstly, the article emphasizes the importance that this text has always had in the life of Church, especially in the liturgy and in patristic exegesis. After an overview of a selection of authors we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to turn to the field of Rabbinic literature, and more specifically to the Old Testament, in order to set to the authentic roots of his Johannine text. The Old Testament emphasized two realities, the Law and Wisdom, which are in turn closely related to the «Logos» (Word).

We also studied the shift from the Old to the New Covenant, and also the new economy, characterized by «grace and truth». These two concepts are related with the «hesed we emet», and summarize the greatness and divinity of Jesus Christ, remember that in Him these two attributes, proper in fact to Yahweh, came to fulness.

The relationship between this passage and the creation account is also analized, and we concluded that the hagiographer suggests and presents the beginning of the new creation that is verified in Jesus Christ. Lastly, were attempted to manifest the expression of the Canticle of Consolation with the phrase «and the Word was made flesh». In this way, the misery of the hypostatic union, in which the «Logos» (Word), which always remains is united with the flesh («bashar»), which like the flower of the field, hardly last till the sun sets.


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