Mariano Artigas e-mail(Login required)

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Mariano Artigas e-mail(Login required)


Evidence of God’s existance as based on the natural finality is examined taking into account the progress of the experimental sciences, with the conclusion that this progress does not weaken the evidence, but makes in stronger.

To demonstrate this, there is an exposure, first of all, of all the «evidence of order» as found in the different texts of Saint Thomas Aquinas. These complement and clarify each other. The reach of the evidence is analysed.

After that, the objections stated are examined. On the one hand, the «methodological naturalism» is examined. This denies the evidence value, basing itself on the analisis of experimental science methods. On the other hand, the denial of the natural finality which resorts to the evolutionist hypothesis.
As regards, the methodological naturalism, the ideological implications are analysed with special reference to the positivism. Some of the current formulations are criticized. There is an explanation as to how scientific progress and the method which makes it possible have ontological presupposition which, in actual fact, amplify the base of the evidence of order.

Then the naturalistic meaning which some authors give to the evolutionist hypotheses, are analysed. In order to do this, reference is made of the role which the finality of Biology plays and to the character of the scientific laws used by evolutionism. The fact that scientific evolutionist theories are compatible with divine creation and providence and cannot deny them, is showed. Also, that as long as these hypotheses are accepted, they would lead to a far-reaching plan which suggests a strengthening of the evidence of order and in no way does it contradict it. Incidentally, the relevance of ontogenesis as a means of verifying natural finality, it is examined.


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