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Antonio Aranda e-mail(Login required)


The mystery of God revealed principally in Christ, is the mystery of the Holy Trinity. The salvational message of God Trino is in the centre of the whole Christian message and is the fundamental base of all Christian life and of theological reflection.

A rigurous contemplation of the mystery of the Trinity should be carried out and should answer three essential question: What is it that God reveals of Himsell?; How does this revelation take place?; With what finality does it occurr?

As regards the first question, one has to point out that faith plays a central role: we received news about the Trinity in the doctrine of the faith transmitted by the Church, we accepted it in virtue of the faith received from God, and the comprehension which we receive from it is knowledge of faith.

In relation to the second point, it is necessary to ask oneself the meaning of the fact itself of the self-demonstration of God to man, considering the news that this fact gives us about God. The divine will appears as the will to give: God reveals Himself as Love. And if the Revelation is the self-demonstration most loving of God and a reflection of trinitary life, the latter manifests itself as life of personal communion. The historical revelation tells us about intratrinitarial revelation. As to the what of the revelation (to its content), it is the life of God; the life of God which, through loving design, converts itself into our life.

The History of Trinitarial. Theology undertakes two principal ways which come closer or fall apart depending on the authors and the times: one which parts from the intratrinitary origens, and the other which centres its study in the personal relations.

If by Trinitarial Mystery we understand Mystery of Love, we will be in a position to suppose that God's life can be expressed as life in donation: our participation in this life is in that way living as sons in Christ, in a donation to the father along with the Holy Spirit.


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Article Details

Research Studies
Author Biography

Antonio Aranda, Universidad de Navarra.
