Sergio Roses e-mail(Login required) , Pedro Farias-Batlle e-mail(Login required)

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Sergio Roses e-mail(Login required)
Pedro Farias-Batlle e-mail(Login required)


A secondary analysis of data collected from two cross-national surveys based on a survey of U.S. journalists in 2007 (n=402) and a survey of Spanish journalists in 2011 (n=762) was conducted to compare the attitudes of U.S. and Spanish journalists about their professional roles. The results of the study were used to assess whether the media system of a country is the best predictor of the professional role of journalists. The findings showed that Spanish journalists were more likely to see themselves as mobilizers of the citizenship of their country and less likely to give importance to the function of a journalist as a disseminator of information relative to U.S. journalists. In addition, the media system of the respective countries was the most relevant predictor of the value given by journalists to the majority of journalistic functions.


Journalists, professionalism, journalism culture, professional roles, media systems


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