Carlos Alberto Scolari e-mail(Login required) , Manel Jiménez e-mail(Login required) , Mar Guerrero e-mail(Login required)

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Carlos Alberto Scolari e-mail(Login required)
Manel Jiménez e-mail(Login required)
Mar Guerrero e-mail(Login required)


For almost a decade transmedia storytelling has been part of the Media Studies agenda, often from sociological and economic approaches, far away from textual outlooks on the subject. This article, founded on the semiotic and narratological tradition, analizes four transmedia TV fiction shows produced in Spain: ‘Las Tres Mellizas’, ‘Infidels’, ‘Serrallonga’ and ‘Águila Roja’. After a first section focused on describing the theoretical basis of the research, the next three sections offer a first peek at a variable landscape that needs new concepts and taxonomies to achieve a better understanding of the transmedia phenomenon.


Transmedia storytelling, TV fiction, convergence, user-generated content, semiotics, narratology


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