Gabri Ródenas e-mail(Login required)

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Gabri Ródenas e-mail(Login required)


This paper tackles the transit from the analysis of the American Insomnia to the study of the Worldwide Insomnia in the first period of Jim Jarmusch´s films. The American Insomnia must be understood as a criticism of the American Dream and the American Way of Life, especially as it was represented in the hegemonic cinema during the 80´s. Jarmusch carries out that criticism in the formal and subject matter levels. The object of this paper is to show how the American Insomnia becomes a Worldwide Insomnia progressively, reaching its top with Night on Earth (1991) and coinciding with the end of the Reagan in-office period.


Jarmusch, Reagan, American Dream, American way of life, Vietnam, Status Quo


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