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Patricio Dussaillant e-mail(Login required)


It analyzes the theoretical aspects of framing presenting / displaying the neutrality as one of the manifold or limitless forms in which this it is possible to be declared. It even maintains that the framing that the mass media give the cover of an electoral campaign, and specially to the attributes or personal characteristics of a candidate, will have incidence in the public opinion, when is decided on mechanisms of framing that benefit or facilitate that the public such receives the message fitted by candidates, as can happen to the neutrality. It concludes that in the Chilean presidential campaign of 1999 it was facilitated that the frame of the message of the candidates by on framing of means prevailed.


Framing theory, Electoral campaign, Content analysis, Public opinion


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Author Biography

Patricio Dussaillant, Universidad de los Andes. Facultad de Comunicación

Av. San Carlos de Apoquindo 2.200. 6782468 Santiago. Chile