Ramón Llopis-Goig e-mail(Login required)

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Ramón Llopis-Goig e-mail(Login required)


Supported in a survey carried out by the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas to 1.787 Spanish families (E-2391 CIS), this article analyses their mediation styles from the children’s consumption of television. After carrying out a factorial analysis with which the main mediation strategies have been extracted, it has been applied an analysis of conglomerates of which a typology composed for controller- restrictive, permissive and guide families has arisen. Previously, the influence of several socio-demographic, familiar and of audiovisual equipment variables has been examined, in each one of the mediation strategies. The results allow to adapt with some tinges typologies elaborated in other countries.


Television and family, Parental television viewing mediation, Children's television viewing


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