Janneth-Arley Palacios-Chavarro e-mail(Login required) , Fernando Marroquín-Ciendúa e-mail(Login required) , Ricardo Bohórquez-Lazdhaluz e-mail(Login required)

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Janneth-Arley Palacios-Chavarro e-mail(Login required)
Fernando Marroquín-Ciendúa e-mail(Login required)
Ricardo Bohórquez-Lazdhaluz e-mail(Login required)



A fruitful line of research on responsible consumption has recently emerged due to a concern for and interest in environmental issues and the growing resource depletion, providing an opportunity for communications to influence human behavior toward environmental protection. This paper shows the design, implementation, and impact assessment of two social campaigns aimed to inform the public of the effects of an overconsumption of clothing and encourage responsible consumption. We designed a non-experimental, descriptive, qualitative study based on 30 semi-structured interviews with university students in Bogotá, Colombia, from variables such as campaigns’ message, behavioral intentions, and relationship with the social and environmental context. The results show the students’ unawareness of overconsumption but suggest a positive impact on their intentions to increase responsible apparel consumption. This study contributes to empirical knowledge of better alternatives for effective messages that favor responsible consumption.


Responsible consumption, apparel consumption, social campaigns, clothing, pro-environmental campaign


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Article Details

Author Biographies

Janneth-Arley Palacios-Chavarro, Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores



Fernando Marroquín-Ciendúa, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Doctor en Psicología con énfasis en consumidor de la Universidad Konrad Lorenz en Bogotá, Colombia. Publicista de profesión, con Especialización y Maestría en Psicología del Consumidor. Actualmente es profesor investigador en la Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, en asignaturas relacionadas con la investigación publicitaria y psicología del consumidor.  Cuenta con más de 17 años de experiencia profesional; con intereses en la planeación, gestión e investigación publicitaria. Tiene 17 años de experiencia docente a nivel de pregrado y postgrado. Intereses investigativos y experiencia en metodologías mixtas entorno a la publicidad, comunicación y consumo.  

Ricardo Bohórquez-Lazdhaluz, Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores

Ricardo Bohórquez-Lazdhaluz