Cristina Gonzalez-Oñate e-mail(Login required) , Pablo Vazquez-Cagiao e-mail(Login required) , Eduard Farrán-Teixidó e-mail(Login required)

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Cristina Gonzalez-Oñate e-mail(Login required)
Pablo Vazquez-Cagiao e-mail(Login required)
Eduard Farrán-Teixidó e-mail(Login required)


In striving for effectiveness these days, sales alone cannot be the single foremost objective. Other factors can contribute to the creation of a virtuous cycle and have an impact on sales. These too should be measured when determining the overall effectiveness of a campaign. In this article we present an analysis of the winning cases in the Effectiveness Awards for commercial communications in Spain from 2010-2018. We will use it to identify the most widely employed communication models and evaluation metrics currently in use when considering the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. To compare and provide professional assessment we have sought out and compiled the opinions of professionals from the advertising sector who have previously sat on the Effectiveness Awards jury. The main objective is to identify and categorise the most effective models of communication currently in use. To this end 280 cases have been analysed from the Effectiveness Awards between 2010 and 2018 and a total of 48 in-depth interviews have been carried out. Among the main results we highlight the superiority of emotional models over rational ones. We found cultural emotion provides the best results though when it comes to gains in efficiency, a correlation of both yields improved averages in business.


Models, effectiveness, advertising, communication, strategy, Effectiveness Awards


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