Wei Zhang e-mail(Login required) , José-Manuel Pérez-Tornero e-mail(Login required)

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Wei Zhang e-mail(Login required)
José-Manuel Pérez-Tornero e-mail(Login required)



Digital media platforms are used to make social contacts, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journalism also adopts mobile and social platforms into news production and distribution. The usage of digital media platforms in journalistic practices has shown some interlinkage with political participation. Against these backdrops, there is a need for a theoretical framework to analyze the interlinkage and the relevant influence on social activities. This article uses a conceptual approach and theorizes platformization to explicate the rationale behind the interaction between digital platforms, mobile journalism, and political participation. Platformization in this study inspects media as mediated and dynamic platform that values interactivity and data. We also argue that the thesis of platformization derives from mediatization theory, and consists of platform logic and platform architecture. Platform logic is represented by platform functionality, platform automation, mobile mediality, and platform-based sociality. Platformization is structured by the platform architecture in the communication activities. Platform architecture has two senses. Firstly, it has the sense of internal structure, i.e., the engineering structure of software and hardware. Secondly, it contains the sense of external structure, i.e., the platform’s structural position in the platform ecosystem.


platformization, mobile journalism, political participation, platform logic, platform architecture, digital platform


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