Beatriz Feijoo e-mail(Login required) , Charo Sádaba e-mail(Login required)

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Beatriz Feijoo e-mail(Login required)
Charo Sádaba e-mail(Login required)



Social ads, along with apps, display and geolocation are the most used actions in the context of mobile marketing. Adolescents are also identified as the main target audience for mobile marketing because they are very active users, they have a sound command of technology and their role as prescribers, especially in social networks. For this reason, the interaction between advertising on social networks among minors (10-14 years) was studied, differentiating between those standard format ads and those commercial content published by influencers. To this avail, more than 2,400 ads were analyzed after monitoring for a week the commonly used device of a sample of minors from the Metropolitan Area of Santiago de Chile. Standard formats, despite being the most used, they hardly generated interaction, unlike commercial content by influencers, which achieved a higher level of interaction (visual and click interaction), although they were less employed. These results open the door to question the advertising management of a digital space which was created for dialogue such as social networks, in which advertisers prioritize selling products and services.


Mobile phone, advertisement, social networks, influencers, interaction


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Article Details

Author Biography

Beatriz Feijoo, Univ. Internacional de La Rioja

Doctora en Comunicación y licenciada en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas y Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidade de Vigo. Profesora acreditada por ANECA como Titular, actualmente imparte docencia en la Facultad de Empresa y Comunicación de la UNIR de la que también es directora de investigación. Ejerció también de docente e investigadora en la Universidad de los Andes (Chile) y en la Universidade de Vigo. Autora de diversas publicaciones y artículos científicos sobre comunicación y niños e IP de proyectos de investigación financiados (Fondecyt N°11170336; Proyecto de I+D+i con ref. PID2020-116841RA-I00; PENSACRIGITAL-UNIR) sobre esta misma temática.