Marta Pérez-Escolar e-mail(Login required) , Paula Herrero-Diz e-mail(Login required)

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Marta Pérez-Escolar e-mail(Login required)
Paula Herrero-Diz e-mail(Login required)



The main goal of Wikipedia’s founders, Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, was to create a collaborative encyclopaedia driven by the users of the internet who, on a nonprofit basis, would compile and share all human wisdom and knowledge. In times of crisis, such as the coronavirus pandemic, Wikipedia has emerged as a reference point for users around the world. In this vein, Wikipedia once again highlighted its cultural role in the production of available knowledge in the face of new knowledge.

Therefore, the main objective of this study is to analyse the specific entry of desinformacióndisinformation in English– in the Spanish version of Wikipedia, given the importance that this concept has acquired during the coronavirus crisis and given the need to disseminate a homogeneous definition of this term. For that purpose, we have applied the content analysis method to a textual case, that is, to the disinformation entry in Wikipedia. The main results show that the basic characteristics of the Spanish entry of desinformación on Wikipedia are not the suitable ones to inform users or readers of the real meaning of this concept. Furthermore, the content of the Wikipedia disinformation entry is incomplete, disjointed and of dubious reliability. Therefore, this research advocates the creation of a homogeneous definition that permeates the common imaginary and that is the result of a combination of experts’ opinions and the definitions proposed by institutions, governments, media and organizations.


Open knowledge, credibility, desinformación, disinformation, online encyclopaedia, Wikipedia


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Article Details

Special Issue: Articles: Social news diffusion: Platforms, publics, scenarios and dimensions of news sharing