Raquel Quevedo-Redondo e-mail(Login required) , Tamara Antona-Jimeno e-mail(Login required) , Mireya Vicent-Ibáñez e-mail(Login required)

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Raquel Quevedo-Redondo e-mail(Login required)
Tamara Antona-Jimeno e-mail(Login required)
Mireya Vicent-Ibáñez e-mail(Login required)



This study seeks to establish whether news sharing in social media is a mature field of research by using bibliometrics as a tool. The Web of Science database was searched for articles that contained the term ‘news sharing’ in titles, keywords, and abstracts. A total of 133 articles was obtained, which enabled us to address the question of whether there are well-established journals and authors that cover the subject. The results show a certain ambiguity, which could explain why the chosen subject matter is often studied in fields outside of Communication Studies; however, while studies on news sharing are conducted by researchers from heterogeneous fields, this has not translated into greater interdisciplinarity.


News sharing, social media, bibliometric analyses, Web of Science, co-citation


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Article Details

Special Issue: Articles: Social news diffusion: Platforms, publics, scenarios and dimensions of news sharing