Nobertus-Ribut Santoso e-mail(Login required) , Ike-Devi Sulistyaningtyas e-mail(Login required) , Brahma-Putra Pratama e-mail(Login required)

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Nobertus-Ribut Santoso e-mail(Login required)
Ike-Devi Sulistyaningtyas e-mail(Login required)
Brahma-Putra Pratama e-mail(Login required)



Internal communication turns into the most valuable aspect of strengthening the relationship between the organization and employees since it causes employees to become involved in maintaining the organization's sustainability during the crisis, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. By interviewing 10 Human Resource Officers, this study examines how to engage with the employees and enhance trust relationships through expanding the role of internal communication when COVID-19 was in the air. This study reveals that, as a department with a huge responsibility to build a relationship with employees during the pandemic, Human Resource Officers use various methods to communicate with the employees, including face-to-face and mediated communication. Internal communication built in this pandemic encourages trust and engagement with the employees. Human Resource Officers expand their internal communication role to strengthen employee engagement and build trust relationships, particularly in mediated communication. This study advances knowledge of the significance of human resource officers' roles in selecting internal communication strategies to foster employee engagement and trust during times of crisis.


COVID-19 pandemic, employee engagement, internal communication, trust relationships, organizational sustainability


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