Alfonso Sánchez-Hermosilla e-mail(Login required) , Jesús García-Iglesias e-mail(Login required) , María-Luz Mangado-Alonso e-mail(Login required)

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Alfonso Sánchez-Hermosilla e-mail(Login required)
Jesús García-Iglesias e-mail(Login required)
María-Luz Mangado-Alonso e-mail(Login required)


The denominated “Jewish Shroud of Century I of the Biblical Museum of Leon” is a textile piece of remarkable interest, since it has been preserved intact, in spite of its antiquity. Its interest turns out to be greater given that the finding of such old textile pieces and of such dimensions is rare, and in good condition even less.

It is a piece of linen woven by hand, on a vertical loom, where the threads have also been spun by hand. Although macroscopically it appears to be in a good state of conservation, the microscopic study reveals a contamination by microorganisms, so it is advisable to improve the conditions of conservation, to avoid the progression of its deterioration with the passage of time.

It presents a certain degree of inorganic contamination, due mostly to particles formed by calcite idiomorphic crystals, derived from an initial contamination with lime that, over time, ends up evolving in situ to calcium carbonate. We also find quartz particles (round and angular) and microcrystals of salt.

The conclusions lead us to establish that we are faced with an ancient and affected fabric of biodegradation, which has resided in an underground space within a desert climate environment.


Jewish Shroud, Technical Study, Biblical Museum of León


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Author Biography

Alfonso Sánchez-Hermosilla, Universidad Católica San Antonio.
