Ignacio Quintanilla Navarro e-mail(Login required)

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Ignacio Quintanilla Navarro e-mail(Login required)


Yet not always in an explicit way, the question about the meaning of the technological change has played a significant role in the Philosophy of the last century. This work focuses on two of the main controversies about this problem aroused by the contemporary Philosophy. The first is related with the problem of the foundational moment of the human technology. The discussion in this point could be systematized by a theoretical chronological scheme in which the technology appears as a) previous, b) posterior or c) strictly simultaneous with the human condition. The choice of one of these options determines crucial elements of all our anthropology, epistemology and culture. The second question is related with the possibility of an ethical evaluation of the human technological change as a whole. After the exposition of some key options in this matter the paper suggest five axiological principles considered basics in order to a moral evaluation of the technological change.


Philosophy of Technology, Technological Change, Origins of Technology, Ethical Evaluation of Technological Change, Anthropology, Epistemology, Science of the artificial being


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Author Biography

Ignacio Quintanilla Navarro, Instituto Infanta Elena de Galapagar.
