Ricardo Pastor e-mail(Login required) , Jorge Rivera-García e-mail(Login required)

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Ricardo Pastor e-mail(Login required)
Jorge Rivera-García e-mail(Login required)



Airbnb is the most outstanding example of P2P platform in the accommodation industry. The studies on this phenomenon have focused on its impact on the hotel industry; leaving aside the effect it produces on tourism intermediation, specifically travel agencies. This paper analyzes this impact in a sector that perceives how Airbnb’s disruptive innovation displaces it from the traditional vacation apartment rental business and threatens to do so with activities. The discussion is about whether the travel agency industry has the need and even if it would be willing to work in a coopetitive system, similar to the one that has occurred recently with the implementation of Civitatis or Booking in the sales processes of travel agencies. It is concluded that the travel agency prioritizes strengthening its repositioning in this product, allying itself with the main market player despite the probable reduction in margins.


Airbnb, Collaborative Economy, Travel Agencies, Homes for Tourist Use, Coopetition


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