Daniel-Fernando López-Jiménez e-mail(Login required) , Diego-Alejandro Jaramillo-Arango e-mail(Login required)

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Daniel-Fernando López-Jiménez e-mail(Login required)
Diego-Alejandro Jaramillo-Arango e-mail(Login required)



What competencies are essential for a 21st-century executive? Are we sufficiently preparing our leadership for the relentless challenges and perpetual transformations characteristic of the digital and globalized epoch? (Levy, 2007). Business schools are progressively shifting their focus towards leadership and personal development, recognizing the paramount importance of these proficiencies. However, does this emphasis prove adequate? Undoubtedly, the exigencies posed by the contemporary era are subjecting the managerial skill set to scrutiny, not merely due to the intricate orchestration of personnel (Pérez, 2018), who increasingly articulate a demand for personal gratification in their professional pursuits, but also considering the rapidity of metamorphoses (Tapscott, 1995), and the imperative to make decisions concomitant with such promptness. The ultimate inquiry is whether current leaders possess the ethical fortitude to adapt to these disruptive changes (Echevarría, 2008), or if we are indeed confronting an insurmountable utopia, thrust into a new era dictated by artificial intelligence, where pragmatic logic eclipses matter of the heart.


Humanism, People Management, Skills, Businnes, Digital Environment, Change, Human Needs, Leadership, Ethics, Special Skills


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