Antonio Viana e-mail(Login required)

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Antonio Viana e-mail(Login required)


The twenty-fifth anniversary of the erection of the Prelature of Opus Dei gives the occasion to summarize the progress as regards the comprehension of the figure of personal Prelature at this moment. This article summarizes the more important contributions about the distant and recent historical precedents of the personal Prelature. The author also pays attention to the development of other personal hierarchical structures in the last 25 years, like the military ordinariates and the personal apostolic administration. The last part of the study offers some considerations about the foreseeable future evolution of the personal prelatures to facilitate the pastoral care of the situations derived from the actual process of international human mobility. In this sense, the cases of the pastoral care for immigrants and social minorities like the Gypsies are mentioned.


Prelature, Opus Dei, Immigrants


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