Montserrat Gas-Aixendri e-mail(Login required)

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Montserrat Gas-Aixendri e-mail(Login required)


The recent Synods of the Catholic Church on the family (in 2014 and 2015) have highlighted the difficulty people may experience in understanding God’s plan for marriage. This article analyzes the legal elements that constitute the substance of Christian marriage in the light of the teachings of the last three popes (John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis). It shows that the Church maintains its traditional teaching about the natural character of marriage as an institution, affirming the possibility of «connatural» knowledge (as described by St. Thomas Aquinas). The mediation of postmodern culture may compromise our understanding of marriage as planned by God. The second part of the article applies the essential legal categories of marriage to some aspects of the reform of the matrimonial nullity process carried out by Pope Francis in the Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus in 2015.


Canon law marriage, Legal categories of Christian marriage, Reform of the process of marriage nullity


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Article Details

Articles about Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex (II)
Author Biography

Montserrat Gas-Aixendri, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Calle Inmaculada 22

08017 Barcelona