Laura Sánchez e-mail(Login required)

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Laura Sánchez e-mail(Login required)


In the 1960s and 1970s, the Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates had a great repercussion in the international architecture scene. The three MoMA exhibitions the firm participated in, constituting the guiding thread of this article, attests to that. Through detailed analysis of these three shows I wish to demonstrate how important architecture exhibitions are as sources in research, representing, as they do, the times in which they were held, and serving as a thermometer of the discussions of the period. The objective here is to reconstruct the theoretical framework into which the museum exhibited the work of KRJDA, and the process of connecting the firm to the debates and professionals of the particular moments.


United States of America, Curatorship, Modern Architecture, Arthur Drexler, Ludwig Glaeser


HUXTABLE, Ada Louise, “Architecture: A museum is Also Art, Exhibition Shows”, The New York Times (25 de septiembre de 1968).

“Creations of 3 Top Architects Shown”, The New York Times (30 de septiembre de 1970).

P.A. “The Art of Making the Magic Box”, Progressive Architecture 11 (noviembre 1968): 56.

PELKONEN, Eeva-Liisa. Kevin Roche: Architecture as environment, New Haven y Londres, Yale University Press, 2011.

SMITH, C. Ray. “The Great Museum Debate”, Progressive Architecture 12 (diciembre 1969): 76-85.

STANISZEWSKI, Mary Anne,The Power of Display. A History of Exhibition Installations at the Museum of Modern Art. Cambridge, Londres: The MIT Press, 2003.

Ref. web 01: Consultada el día 3 de junio de 2016.

Ref. web. 02: Consultada el 4 de abril de 2016.

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