Delia Gavela García e-mail(Login required)

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Delia Gavela García e-mail(Login required)


Recent research about Agustín Moreto’s work have evidenced the need to do away with, or at least thoroughly revise, the idea that the playwright from Madrid limited himself to plagiarize somebody else’s plays. The present paper analyses how Moreto worked with diverse motifs such as the events of recent history, the Bible, or fiction when writing, alone or co-authoring a) El bruto de Babilonia, b) La cena del rey Baltasar and c) De fuera vendrá from other writers’ plays. In this work, we can observe techniques which go far beyond the mere copy. The author selects his antecedents following dramatic criteria, but also considering current biographic interests. He does not hesitate to turn to sources previous or alien to his literary antecedent to improve, update, or adjust the plot to his own desires. Finally, the author does not discard the motifs, but he re-uses them creating suggestive intertextuality within his own production.


Agustín Moreto, rewriting, Bible, historical recreation, intertextuality


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Author Biography

Delia Gavela García, Universidad de la Rioja. San José de Calasanz, 33

26004 Logroño, La Rioja