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Araceli López-Serena e-mail(Login required)



Despite conceiving epistemological principles as the most important element in a science, Eugenio Coseriu did not ever succeed in publishing any Lessons in Philosophy of Linguistics as such. Instead, he expressed a great number of his epistemological convictions as comments scattered across nearly all of his writings. In order to highlight the indissolubility between the linguistic and philosophical dimensions of theorization which characterized Coseriu’s approach to language, it becomes necessary to check which aspects his linguistic thinking, which argumentation procedures and which key categorizations and concepts in his linguistic theorization originated from issues of a philosophical nature – especially in what specifically concerns philosophy of linguistics. In this respect, the aim of this paper is to identify the philosophical-scientific foundations underlying “Logicismo y antilogicismo en la gramática” (“Logicism and Antilogicism in Grammar”). In doing so, my goal consists in showing that this work is not a mere linguistic study, but an essential approach to unravel the epistemological principles around which the whole philosophical-scientific edifice of Coserian linguistic theory is structured.


Phylosophy of Linguistics, Eugenio Coseriu, Linguistic Theory, Hermeneutics, Logicism and Antilogicism in Grammar


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