Damien Villers e-mail(Login required)

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Damien Villers e-mail(Login required)



This article first analyses the reasons for the absence of clear consensus among scholars and includes a summary of the main trends and methods in specialised literature, as well as a “scale of consensus” for definition criteria. The second part focuses on methodology and describes common pitfalls in traditional definition approaches. A series of principles is then devised in order to increase the efficiency of proverb definition. Such principles tackle issues such as the contents and form of a definition, the choice in the corpus or approach to define proverbs, or the redundancy of some definition criteria. They ultimately stress the necessity of a transdisciplinary, analytical approach that incorporates class hybridity.


Paremiology, Phraseology, Proverb, Definition, Methodology, Terminology


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Article Details

Articles. Monographic Section: Sapiential Sayings: Categories and Subcategories
Author Biography

Damien Villers, Département des Etudes du Monde Anglophone, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, 5 allée Antonio Machado. Toulouse, 31100. France