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Piotr Sorbet e-mail(Login required)



There are numerous types of lexical borrowings. Among them, those that, in the Hispanic context, have received relatively little attention from linguists are the so-called reborrowings. For this reason, in this research, in the first stage we present a general classification of lexical borrowings. In the second stage, we expose, on the one hand, the general characteristics of reborrowings, and, on the other hand, some questions related to the history of research on this type of linguistic loanwords. Once these clarifications have been made, we turn to the exposition of the data that we have extracted from various lexicographical sources. These integrate, on the one hand, various etymological dictionaries of Spanish and other languages, and, on the other, the general dictionaries that complete the information extracted from the etymological dictionaries. We have divided the lexical units submitted to the analysis into two basic sections. On the one hand, we deal with the words that have their origin in the Spanish language and are borrowed by other languages (Arabic, French, English, among others) so that they can later be returned to the source language, and, on the other hand, we analyze the words that arrive in Spanish from another languages but then these words return to the languages of origin. As a result of this investigation, we have verified that the number of reborrowings in Spanish is not scarce and that they constitute a heterogeneous group.


Lexical Borrowings, Reverse Borrowing, Hispanisms, Gallicisms, Anglicism



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Piotr Sorbet, Departamento de Estudios Hispánicos. Universidad Marie Curie-Skπodowska. Plaza Marii Curie-Skπodowskiej, 4a. Lublin, 20-031. Polonia