Miguel Rosso Carrasco e-mail(Login required)

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Miguel Rosso Carrasco e-mail(Login required)


The paper’s intention is a programmatic one. After presenting several definitions for the terms semantics of speech and structuralism, the topic is discussed with regard to Coseriu’s theoretical framework. After confi rming that there is not a methodological assignment within the universal level, I establish the hypothesis that it is due to the impossibility of structuralism for consistently carrying it out. For this purpose, I expound some arguments from Ricoeur, criticizing however that he did not take into account the efforts of structuralism to overcome these limitations. Briefl y developing several methodological changes to structuralism, I critically comment on some of Coseriu’s remarks on cognitive semantics. This allows a better understanding of the relation between the semantics of language and the semantics of speech. Finally, I propose several ways to methodologically develop the semantics of speech.


Structuralism, Semantics of speech, Cognitive semantics, Sense, Reference


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Article Details

Articles: Theoretical and methodological reflections
Author Biography

Miguel Rosso Carrasco, Universidad de Cádiz. Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Lingüística Aplicada

11003 Cádiz