Martina Bortignon e-mail(Login required)

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Martina Bortignon e-mail(Login required)


This essay focuses on the textual and performative reader-bound strategies by which two works by the mapuche poet Jaime Huenún –Puerto Trakl (2001) y Fanon City meu (2014)–, characterized by an intended intertextual allusion to world literature tradition, uncover the dynamics of identification and des-identification of their readers with a cultural horizon dominated by a western perspective. To this end, the texts will be studied applying the embodiment theory and the role of perceptions in the phenomenology of reading, and a critical approach from the projection of imaginaries and from the sounding of voice will be used. My hypothesis is that both works, functioning as material devices for the recognition of identity alliances, would bring the reader to read herself and her cultural horizon against the grain of identity models that tend to be shown as dominant in the circuit of consumption of identity and difference.


Jaime Huenún, (Dis)identification, Reading, Embodiment, Listening


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Author Biography

Martina Bortignon, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Diagonal Las Torres 2640 Peñalolén

Santiago, Región Metropolitana