Natalia Aruguete e-mail(Login required) , Mario Riorda e-mail(Login required)

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Natalia Aruguete e-mail(Login required)
Mario Riorda e-mail(Login required)


This paper examines the most important features of three recent presidential campaigns in Latin America, aiming at knowing the dominant trend in their major pieces of advertising. A comparison is made among the spots of candidates who won the presidential elections held in 2011 in Argentina (Cristina Fernández de Kirchner), 2012 in Mexico (Enrique Peña Nieto) and 2012 in Venezuela (Hugo Chávez), based on the functional theory of political campaign discourse(Benoit, 2003). Through a content analysis of 30 spots -and within them, 139 recording units- the article explores: 1) the type of discursive strategy prevalent in the spots of these winning campaigns, 2) whether topics related to policy aspects prevail or not over those referring to the candidates’ image, and 3) if, in temporal terms, these messages indicate issues from the past or future goals. Two relevant considerations arise from the study. On the one hand, the topic “policy” coexists with the topic “character”; on the other hand, “acclaiming” is more intensely associated with “events of the recent past”, while “attacking” is completely linked to “past events” which belong to previous administrations of those presidents who run for another term in office.


Functional theory of political campaign discourse, general elections, Latin America, retrospective vote, winning political campaigns, campaign spots


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Anexo: Spots de campaña

Enrique Peña Nieto:

"Recorrido por la República Mexicana"

“Recorrido Distrito Federal”

“Recorrido Aguascalientes”

“Recorrido Oaxaca”

“Resumen 60 días de Campaña”

“Logros de Gobierno del Estado de México”

"Peña Sí Cumple"


“Llamado al Voto”

"Este 1o de julio con tu voto México va a Cambiar"

“Es Momento de México”

"Somos la Fuerza"

Resumen 60 días de Campaña

Hugo Chávez

“Alma Buena - Corazón Venezolano”

“Usted de aquí no se va - Corazón Venezolano”

“Andrés Ospino, Misión Gran Vivienda Venezuela 2012” (Preelectoral Hugo Chávez)

“Ziomara Quintana Gran Misión Madres del Barrio de 2012” (Preelectoral Hugo Chávez)

“Con 78 años, Juana Sotillo disfruta su vejez gracias a la Misión En Amor Mayor”

“Soy Chávez de corazón”

“Un sueño hecho realidad, Wolfang Eduardo Mejías cuenta su historia”

“Canción Chávez Corazón del Pueblo”

“Hugo Chávez y nosotros”

“¡Globos! Chávez, Corazón de mi Patria”

“Votar por Chávez es defender la Independencia petrolera y garantizar calidad de vida”

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

“La Fuerza de Cecilia”

“La Fuerza de Haydeé”

“La Fuerza de Jésica”

“La fuerza de Brian”

“La Fuerza de la Alegría”

“La fuerza de un país”

“La Fuerza de Atilio”

“La Fuerza de la producción”

“La fuerzas de la unión”

“La Fuerza de la Educación”


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