Avelino Amoedo-Casais e-mail(Login required)

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Avelino Amoedo-Casais e-mail(Login required)


Since 1982, thirteen of the seventeen Autonomous Regions of Spain have developed their own public radio and television channels. The autonomous public radio stations were justified with criteria and arguments based on proximity and cultural identity. However, the current social and media environments are quite different from those prevailing in 1982. In the context of a reconsideration of the public service concept throughout Europe, this paper analyzes the current conditions of regional public radio in Spain, where more than 40% of the total number of radio stations is controlled by the public radio sector: more than 2,500 out a total of 6,000. In short, regional public radio in Spain might be an alternative to commercial radio and to national public radio, with the potential to undertake new projects in relation to society.


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