Kathrine Liepins e-mail(Login required) , William Porath e-mail(Login required) , Soledad Puente e-mail(Login required)

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Kathrine Liepins e-mail(Login required)
William Porath e-mail(Login required)
Soledad Puente e-mail(Login required)


The comprehension of the news is an issue for journalism. This paper tries to make an effort in that sense, trying to probe that the viability of the concept “foco editorial” as a strategy that leads the elaboration of the television news, as a way to avoid multiple meanings of the informative message and contribute to comprehension of the receptor. The concept is the main idea that gives a specific intention to the visual narration process. The objective of this investigation is to probe that news elaborated following the elements that compose the concept “foco editorial” are associated to a better understanding of the viewer.


News, Television, Comprehension, Focus, Journalism, Image


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