Concepción Fernández Villanueva e-mail(Login required) , Juan Carlos Revilla Castro e-mail(Login required) , Roberto Domínguez Bilbao e-mail(Login required) , Andrés Almagro González e-mail(Login required)

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Concepción Fernández Villanueva e-mail(Login required)
Juan Carlos Revilla Castro e-mail(Login required)
Roberto Domínguez Bilbao e-mail(Login required)
Andrés Almagro González e-mail(Login required)


Research on violence on television has directed their main efforts to mostly quantitative and statistical analysis of media violence, as well as some detailed experimental studies on the effects of very specific scenes of violence. The present work deals with the interpretation of spectators of media violence. Based on the analysis of 16 focus groups, it tries to shed some light on the mediating factors or dimensions of broadcasted violence and its possible effects. In particular, the conditions for the recognition and classification of violence scenes, the functions of violent images, the emotions and feelings aroused by them, as well as the processes of identification with the main characters, have been analysed.


Violence, Television, Interpretation, Functions of image, Identification


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