Emma Rodero e-mail(Login required)

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Emma Rodero e-mail(Login required)


The intonation, understood like the pitch variations of the oral message, is confirmed like one of the elements of the locution most important to assure the establishment an effective communication with the listener. It not only collaborates in the understanding and assimilation of the content and the sense of the wireless speech but that of her depends the maintenance on the attention of the hearing. For that reason, the article, leaning in the theoretical reflection and an experimental test, presents a description of the properties and characteristics that must reunite a correct and pleasant intonation to obtain those objectives.


Intonation, radio, information, melody, tone, pitch level, voice


Fuentes bibliográficas

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BALSEBRE, Armand, El lenguaje radiofónico, Cátedra, Madrid, 1994.

BOLINGER, Dwight, lntonation and its uses, Edward Arnold, Great Britain, 1989.

BOYD, Andrew, Broadcast Journalism: Techniques of radio and TV News, Focal Press, London, 1994.

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GIL FERNÁNDEZ, Juana, Los sonidos del lenguaje, Síntesis, Madrid, 1988.

GIL! GAYA, Samuel, Elementos de fonética general, Gredos, Madrid, 1988.

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KEITH COHLER, David, Broadcast Journalism. A guide for the presentation of radio and television news, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1985.

KNAPP, Mark, La comunicación no verbal, Paidós, Barcelona, 1982.

LEWANOOWSKI, Theodor, Diccionario de Lingüística, Cátedra, Madrid, 1995.

McLEISH, Robert, Radio Production, Focal Press, London, 1995.

MERAYO PÉREZ, Arturo, Curso Práctico de Técnicas de Comunicación Oral, Tecnos, Madrid, 1998.

NAVARRO TOMÁS, Tomás, Manual de la entonación española, Hispanic Institute in the United States, biblioteca del estudiante, New York, 1948.

RODERO, Emma, "Los principales errores que debe evitar todo locutor de informativos radiofónicos: un estudio práctico", Reinventar la Radio, Actas de las XV Jornadas Internacionales de Comunicación, Pamplona, 200L TUBAU, Iván, Periodismo Oral. Hablar y escribir para radio y televisión, Paidós, Barcelona, 1993.

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Otras fuentes

RODERO ANTÓN, Emma, Locución Informativa Radiofónica, Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Pontificia, Salamanca, 2001.

RODRÍGUEZ BRAVO, Ángel Andrés, La construcción de una voz radiofónica, Tesis Doctoral, Dto. de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 1989.


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