Mahmoudreza Rahbarqazi e-mail(Login required) , Sousan Nourbakhsh e-mail(Login required)

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Mahmoudreza Rahbarqazi e-mail(Login required)
Sousan Nourbakhsh e-mail(Login required)



The present age is called the age of communication. Undoubtedly, in all matters of the world, the most incredible information is on the shoulders of the mass media. Today, the media have influenced the identity of contemporary man by expanding geographical, cultural and political boundaries so that the identity of modern man can be called media identity. The increasing role of new means of mass communication in various parts of human life has led to multiple fields. One area that social media have influenced in the present age is political participation. The present paper sought to test the effect of social media on the Iranian citizens’ willingness to electoral participation political actions using the World Values Survey (WVS) wave 7 data release (49 countries/territories). The results show that social media indirectly, through the mediator variable of political trust, reduces the willingness of individuals to participate in elections. Moreover, the results show that social media, both directly and indirectly, increases citizens’ willingness to engage in political protests.


Social media, electoral participation, political action, Iran


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