Clara Muela-Molina e-mail(Login required) , Salvador Perelló-Oliver e-mail(Login required) , Alfonso de-la-Quintana e-mail(Login required)

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Clara Muela-Molina e-mail(Login required)
Salvador Perelló-Oliver e-mail(Login required)
Alfonso de-la-Quintana e-mail(Login required)



The aims of this study are to analyze the presence of endorsers in DS advertising on Spanish radio and the health-related product information of endorsements on full service Spanish radio. To this end, the content analysis of all radio spots broadcast throughout the year 2017 is conducted, deriving a corpus of 165 different radio spots belonging to the product category of dietary supplements, broadcast a total of 10,566 times. According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, endorsers are a peripheral cue and increase advertising persuasion. The main results show that the most prevalent type of endorser in DS radio spots is the anonymous spokesperson, followed by celebrities, and that endorsers use explicit claims more frequently than implicit claims. Additionally, experts and celebrities use rational appeals more frequently while emotional appeals predominate in endorsements by typical consumers. Thus, rational appeals are prevalent in endorsements voiced by the most credible endorsers: experts and celebrities. That is, the higher the social recognition and credibility of the endorser, the greater the weight of direct, explicit and rational arguments in the message, while less attention is given to emotional appeals.


Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), dietary supplements, health communication, public policy, radio advertising


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