Pedro-Ricardo Álvarez-Pérez e-mail(Login required) , David López-Aguilar e-mail(Login required) , Rosa-Ana Valladares-Hernández e-mail(Login required)

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Pedro-Ricardo Álvarez-Pérez e-mail(Login required)
David López-Aguilar e-mail(Login required)
Rosa-Ana Valladares-Hernández e-mail(Login required)



The level of academic engagement of 307 second-year high school students is analyzed based on their previous results in the studies. For data collection, a questionnaire based on the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale for Students (Carmona-Halty, Schaufeli & Salanova, 2017) was designed. The analyzes carried out confirmed that the students who obtained the highest values on the engagement scale were those who had not repeated a year in their academic history, nor had they had difficulties in the prior learning process. The data obtained is relevant for educational practice and the development of preventive orientation programs.


Engagement, Academic performance, Formative trajectories, Invoelvement in work


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