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Milagros Muñoz-Arranz e-mail(Login required)



For Edith Stein, individualized education cannot be separated from personalized education, without these notions being synonymous. For our study we take the concepts of potency (Potenz) and act (Akt), developed in her work Finite and Eternal Being, and we link them to the words commonly used by the philosopher: unfolding (Entfaltung) and development (Entwicklung). The objective is to argue, from the point of view of Edith Stein's pedagogical thought, the individualized nature of all educational interventions, anthropologically justify it is need, and present the relationship that the author establishes with the concept of personalized education.   


Potency Act, Undolding, Development


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Article Details

Articles: 2024
Author Biography

Milagros Muñoz-Arranz, Facultad de Educación – Centro de Formación del Profesorado, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Edificio La Almudena, Avenida Rector Royo Villanova, s/n, 28040, Madrid (España) / CES Don Bosco