Juan Victorio e-mail(Login required)

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Juan Victorio e-mail(Login required)


Juan Ruiz and Quevedo considered the matter of the corrupting power of money in different periods and with diverse points of view. Juan Ruiz knew the clerical system of the XIV Century, those incited by greed and the usual practice of simony in his time. But Quevedo took part in corrupting people, as fas as we know, and adopted a much more cynical than satirical point of view in his famous poem «Poderoso caballero es don Dinero». While the Arcipreste of Hita writes about this problem, Quevedo uses it to corrupt the court following the instructions received from the duke of Osuna in Italy. Finally, although both of them coincide in this topic and the expression of it, we can not assure an influence of Hita in Quevedo.


Arcipreste de Hita, Quevedo, money, coincidences, parody, irony, social context


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