María-José Rodríguez-Sánchez-de-León e-mail(Login required)

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María-José Rodríguez-Sánchez-de-León e-mail(Login required)



This paper studies the relevance of the term taste and other associated concepts (reason, imagination) in the Enlightenment. It begins by clarifying the process that leads from an innate sense of taste to an intellectualised idea of taste that becomes an acquired capacity for knowledge and discrimination. Firstly, we analyse how the Enlightenment theorised to base its origin on the observation of nature and, at the same time, to relate it to the creative imagination and to reason or acquired knowledge. Secondly, it studies the role attributed to taste in the formation of critical judgement and, by extension, in literary criticism. Finally, we study the role played by literary reading as an instrument for educating taste through literary works and its relationship with the formal materialisation of discourse and with the idea of aesthetic pleasure.


Enlightenment, 18th century, Taste, Imagination, Criticism, Literary Hermeneutics


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Articles: Varia (Alain Bègue, Jaume Garau Amengual and María José Rodríguez Sánchez de León, coords.)