Milagros Fernández-Pérez e-mail(Login required)

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Milagros Fernández-Pérez e-mail(Login required)



In this essay we will approach the position (stance) that defines the consideration of verbal disability in academic discourse/text. From assessment and categorical point of views that categorise pathologies in a negative way, focusing on what’s lacking, to descriptive approaches that consider the deficit active properties and that facilitate functional performance. Similarly and in parallel to these prescriptive-assessing and analytical-estimate stances, discursive-textual angles of a causalist nature that argue in a privative way about the organical origin of the dysfunction are also examined, an example being the dynamic angles that support the idea of a diversity of factors affecting the enactive nature of the pathologies. As well as giving context to these stances, this work will estimate the impact on the perception on language disorders in Clinical Linguistics.


Discourse Stance, Language Pathology, Evaluation of Communication Disfunctions


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Articles: Discourse analysis applied to health and disease